How is the BiSC data processed?
As you probably know, a fundamental part of BiSC involves the collection, organization and structuring of data, along with the analysis and results that can be obtained. The Data Management team is responsible for ensuring that this data is coherently structured and for detecting possible problems at any stage of the process, whether in questionnaires or tests carried out during data collection.
Typically, to determine what we are working with, those responsible for the tests or samples inform us of the data they need us to process. Following an established protocol, we begin by cleaning the data for inconsistencies and organizing the variables for better structuring. From that point, the process can vary depending on the needs of the person responsible. This can range from simple tasks to complex statistical analyzes involving different types of data and specific samples.
It is important to remember that we always handle the data anonymously and respect the confidentiality established in the project and for all participants.
Our Data Management team is currently made up of Adrià, Àlex, Oriol and Toni, who were already introduced in a previous publication, particularly in a post from last year. For more information about the equipment in general, you can visit the corresponding section on our website.
We appreciate your attention and we hope you enjoy La Castanyada and Halloween during these fall holidays!
The news was written by Oriol Planesas, data manager of the BiSC project.