Placenta samples are ready!
Did you know that the placenta is a completely temporary organ, which is formed from scratch during implantation, and is completely expelled when giving birth?
In the BiSC project, we know that the placenta is a very special tissue, which is why we want to study it in depth!
As you know, during all months of monitoring the BiSC project, teams from partner hospitals have been collecting placenta samples after participants gave birth. From each placenta, multiple fragments have been collected, with the aim of studying this valuable tissue from several points of view: we will study the gene expression of the cells that make up the placenta, as well as the presence of different environmental pollutants, including endocrine disruptors and air pollution particles.
In order to carry out these studies, it is necessary to prepare and process the samples in advance. In the images you can see the result of the processing of one of the lines of research of the placentas, where the samples are prepared to be able to quantify the contaminating particles of black carbon (Black carbon) in the placental tissue through advanced microscopy techniques.
Placenta fragment embedded in paraffin
Slide with microscopic cuts of placental tissue
Box with processed samples ready to ship
Now that the latest participants in the project are about to meet their babies, the BiSC team is putting the batteries in place to complete the processing of the placenta samples. In a few weeks, the placentas will be ready to be sent to the different laboratories where the studies will take place.
Thanks to all the participants in the BiSC study who donated their placentas altruistically to make medical research possible!
The news has been written by Laura C. Gómez Herrera, predoctoral student of the BiSC project.