Tv3 visits BiSC study in the “Hospital de la Santa Creu i de Sant Pau”

On Tuesday, July 2, a television team from Catalonia visited the Hospital de Sant Pau in the context of the follow-up of one of the patients of the BiSC study.

Specifically, the report focused on the ultrasonography and hospital visit of the third trimester of the BiSC study, where obstetric ultrasound is performed that includes neurosonography and fetal echocardiography, that is, a specific echography of the heart and brain of the fetus in from which we will measure parameters of cardiac functioning and neuronal development that will be very useful to see possible differences conditioned by the environment since the prenatal stage.

The study volunteer and his partner arrived at the hospital for the visit, which began with the obstetric ultrasound carried out by one of the gynecologists at the BiSC study, Dr. Maria Julia Zanini. After informing them of the position and weight of their baby, the doctor took measurements of the fetal heart and brain, which are subsequently measured with a specific reader image program and are recorded in the database of BiSC.

Next, the nurse at the BiSC study at the Hospital de Sant Pau, Julia Huerta, was in charge of taking the anthropometric measures to our volunteer and completing the neuropsychological tests that correspond to the third-trimester visit. The data of the examination was also stored in the same database.

The BiSC study generates great expectation, both on the part of the patients involved as well as the media, who hope to be able to report the results as soon as they have it and that is why they regularly monitor our work and the experience of the patients, which is generally very good.

As far as they are informed, this recording will be broadcast once the first results of the study have been received as a report.

Dra. Zanini with the volunteer and her partner, during the Tv3 report.

The text was written by Irene Ribera, a gynecologist of the BiSC project at the “Hospital de la Santa Creu i de Sant Pau”.