New Nutrition Working Group in BiSC!

In the BiSC team we continue to add. This time we are happy to welcome three new members to the research team. They are Camille Lassale, Jordi Júlvez and Oren Contreras who will give us a hand to understand how nutrition data can have an impact on the mental health of their sons and daughters.

They will undertake this work thanks to the creation of the Nutrition Working Group. They have many ideas and desire to be able to contribute to what we have already been learning about the effects of the environment on children’s health. This new line of research at BiSC will be possible thanks to the data you provided us about your diet during pregnancy and later on your children. We will also use information about breastfeeding.

Some of the issues that will allow us to understand the creation of this new working group is whether, for example, the quality of nutrition during prenatal and postnatal stages is important for the physical, metabolic, cognitive and brain development of the child. In addition, we will also carefully study the altered biological mechanisms and the presence of nutritional factors that can help protect these specific aspects of children’s health.

We hope that soon we will be able to inform ourselves about what they find. As always, we will keep you informed as soon as we have fresh news!

The text has been written by Camille Lassale, Jordi Júlvez and Oren Contreras, researchers from the BiSC project.